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water collectionRainwater tanks are popping up all over New Zealand as people become more environmentally friendly. Some are becoming wise to the financial benefit of harvesting one of our more readily available natural resources. Either way, if you’re considering joining the club, this article on the benefits of collecting rainwater is for you.

We’ll briefly walk you through what the FlowFix team sees as the top 5 reasons to use rainwater collection tanks, and you’ll learn about the different options that might best suit you.

5 Reasons to use a rainwater collection tank

Reduces Storm water run-off

According to Waikato Regional Council, stormwater run-off can pose a significant threat to aquatic species along the river. This is because stormwater running into local rivers erodes riverbanks and can carry pesticides, rubbish and other harmful pollution into the water. Apart from the animals affected by this, people also face a health risk when our rivers get polluted.

Easy-to-harvest Natural Resource

Rainwater is a natural resource that New Zealanders would benefit from taking advantage of, especially in the rainy seasons. Are you looking at living or building on one of New Zealand’s many islands or in a rural area? Having a rain-water tank will ensure that you have consistent access to water, without being connected to a water network. Harvesting rainwater will also make your household or business that much more eco-friendly!

Becomes a more reliable water source during restrictions or emergencies

In the wake of New Zealand’s most recent earthquake scare, we are reminded that the country could be thrown into a state of emergency at any time. How about Auckland’s recent water crisis? These are just two types of emergencies that could suddenly cut off your water supply. Having a rainwater tank will ensure that access to water is one less thing for you to worry about. Stan Abott, a researcher at Massey University, Wellington, also notes that there is a relationship between climate change and an increase in the use of rainwater tanks around New Zealand.

Saves money

If you like to save where you can, a rainwater tank is a great option for you. Harvesting rainwater will go a long way towards reducing your water bill. It’s an easy, affordable option for watering the garden, washing the car, or even flushing the toilet! Keep in mind that you will still need to get in contact with a licensed plumber to properly, and safely, install your tank for you.

Negates some effects of urban development

When replacing natural ground for sealed ground during a building project, you may become accountable for the excess storm water run-off. A water tank can manage that excess run-off, plus you’ll get all of the above uses out of the collected water. Check with your local council whether your latest build or expansion will make you responsible for the extra stormwater.

Types of rainwater water collection tanks

Potable rainwater collection tanks

5 Reasons to use Rainwater Collection TanksAlso known as full-drinking water tanks, potable water tanks can supply your household with all of its water use needs. This is an ideal option if you are not connected to any water network. However, remember to call a licensed plumber for the installation.

It’s also important to keep your gutters clean to get the best out of your potable water tank.

Non-potable rainwater tanks

Also known as not-for-drinking water tanks, these can be used for outdoor purposes such as the car and garden. They can also have some indoor uses, such as for toilet water or laundry (depending on the quality of the water). To get a list of rainwater tank providers, see Auckland Council’s recommendations, or give us a call.

If you’re considering a rainwater collection tank, contact us for advice and information about the right option for you. If you’d like more information on our top 5 reasons to use rainwater collection tanks, call Colette on 027 234 5454 or email the FlowFix Plumbing team in Orewa.