027 265 4649 admin@flowfix.co.nz

It’s the second month of the new year, and we’re so excited for what the next few months have to offer. In particular, we’re watching the bathroom trends for 2021 with interest. What we’ve found so far could change your bathroom from a bland, out-of date space to the stand-out feature of your home. We’ve put together a list of 5 bathroom trends that you could use to change your bathroom up this year.

Bathroom Tile Trends

Not exactly new, but re-imagined is the large, checkered tile floor. It gives any bathroom a classic look which, when paired with the right features can be the picture of elegance and good taste. Another design favourite of ours is the faux-wooden tile. Either as the floor, or wall, it adds a rustic touch, but not as rustic as naked brick or stone- a bold statement that can be down-played by minimalist bathroom installments or furniture.

Lighting Trends

Bathroom Trends for 2021

New Zealand is one of the more environmentally friendly countries in the world, making natural lighting a great option for the many nature-loving home owners throughout Aotearoa. Natural lighting can be achieved in a number of ways, including large windows, skylights and having a full-on outside bathroom. Another innovative lighting trend climbing the 2021 bathroom design ladder is mirror lighting. Not only does it hide the lighting implement itself, it looks really chic- the perfect feature of a modern bathroom.

Bathroom Storage Trends

Bathroom Trends for 2021

Tired of those wire racks that keep swaying this way and that, depending on the weight of your shampoo bottles? A neat, hassle-free alternative is to build your shower storage into your shower wall. As an added bonus, it can serve as a bold feature in addition to being functional. A floating bathroom sink, can also open up a lot of storage space underneath, with more options than the traditional, built-in cabinets.

Layout Trends

While some bathrooms are full and cosy, especially in larger households, the trend for this year is minimalist. You can achieve this by thoughtfully choosing the layout of your bathroom elements. For example, we’ve written a blog on how to decide on your style of towel rails. A big hit in this department, is choosing a free-standing bathtub, with smooth floor-to-rim lines. In addition, you could go with a floating toilet to match your floating basin. The lack of clutter from exposed pipes and cistern, does a lot to emphasise that minimalist look.

Bathroom Feature Trends

Bathroom Trends for 2021

Last, but not least, is the stand-out feature. Commonly this appears a s a colour statement on a feature-wall. While some, might have a bold tile to contrast the rest of the room, others have large, modern murals to add a loud pop of colour. Alternately, you could go with a lighting statement. Like the light mirrors mentioned before, lighting can add a lot to a room. So, lighting joined with another feature, or made to stand out on its own, could bring your bathroom from standard to modern at the flick of a switch.

Contact us today, and let’s discuss giving your bathroom a modern makeover, according to the top bathroom trends for 2021. Call Colette today on 027 234 5454 or email her at admin@flowfix.co.nz