The warranty for Dux Qest expired years ago and so has the company that sold it. We recommend you call one of our licensed plumbers to carry out a plumbing inspection to check for Dux Qest if you’re in the market for a new property. If you’re buying a new home or...
Ever been faced with having to decide which kind of pipes to use for your home plumbing? Some pipes, like copper, are a great design solution (especially for exposed pipes. However, will they cause other, bigger problems a few years down the line? Keep reading and...
Manage the situation until FlowFix plumbing arrives When you have an emergency plumbing situation, you can take certain steps to minimise the damage to your home and property before your emergency plumber arrives and, at the same time, cut down on your plumbing cost....
Dux Qest Pipe History Dux Qest Pipe is a subject that keeps popping up in the plumbing sector so we thought you might like to know why it is a failed product, the background to the situation, and what it might mean for you. Notorious for spontaneously failing and...